Canopy Tour

>> Thursday, July 23, 2009

We are in Costa Rica this week!!
Today we went zipping like monkeys from tree to tree.
Zip lining has definitly topped anything I have ever experienced!

Our tour lasted almost 2 hours and we stopped at 15 platforms!

Daniel and I crossing a suspending bridge.

All of us on one of the platforms.

So happy to land safely at the other side.

Here is a video of one of Daniel's rides.

Feeling so blessed today to be in such a beautiful country. Looking forward to more adventures tomorrow!


Rhonda July 29, 2009 at 5:04 PM  

Oh I am so jealous!
That looks like so much fun.
I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get home.

By the way...
If you have emails that your friends couldn't post comments, there was a problem. BUT I think I got it figured out for you.
And as your first commenter, my verification work is annies. Coincidence?

Have fun!!!

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